Why can't I watch Ads?
Sometimes it depends on the region, wait one hour or more and try again.
I didn't receive my reward after watching an Ad
If you didn't receive your reward(s) after watching an Ad, please contact our Player Support team through the contact button located in the game's settings menu, include the following information:
- Game name.
- The activity or screen where you were watching the Ad.
- Name of the Ad.
- The reward(s) you didn't receive.
Report an issue with the Ad
When the Ad is shown, please try to identify the information icon located at the corner of your screen and tap it.
(This icon could show up at the beginning and end of the AD).
This will take you to the advertiser's site to report the specific issue you are experiencing. This page can be different from different providers but will give you the option to report the ad.
Please note that we don’t have any visibility into the Ads which are shown by the ad networks that we work with. We do our best to filter out Ads as best as possible by working with industry leading Ad providers.
I didn’t receive my reward for completing tasks from Tapjoy
You can learn more information about non-credited offers in Tapjoy's FAQ and/or submit a support request to the Tapjoy's Costumer Service team.
If you have not received your reward after contacting Tapjoy’s Customer Service team, please contact our Player Support team through the contact button located in the settings section of the game and make sure to include the following information:
- Game name (Pocket Love, Adorable Home, Tsuki’s Odyssey, etc.).
- Screenshot of the Reward Status of your offer.
- Screenshot of Tapjoy's support request showing that Tapjoy was unable to credit the offer and the reason.