How to use an item?
After buying an item, you may use it in the treehouse. Tap on an item > tap on magnifying glass. Note: Only certain items can be used.
How to travel to Yukiyama?
To travel to Youkiyama, you need to buy a silver ticket in the village’s shop and give it to Jasper.
How to travel to the Great City?
To travel to the Great City, you need to buy a golden ticket in the village’s shop and give it to Frank.
How to travel to Jugafuchi Forest?
The car is required to drive into Jugafuchi Forest. While at the Treehouse, an interactable button will appear above the car.
How to travel to Hareshima?
Every Friday, Rilo and Soy will dock their ship at Mermaid Coast and you can pay to board.
How to return to Mushroom Village?
When Tsuki travels to Yukiyama or Great City, he will come back to the Mushroom Village after three days. If Tsuki doesn't return after three days, use the code "countryroad" to help him return.
What is the Moon Club?
New and exclusive Club Moon areas, meet new characters, unlock exclusive activities, and unique experiences and get bonus items.
How do I become a member of club moon?
You need the exclusive Club Moon Membership that is offered as a monthly subscription. To get it, please visit the store in the game.
What can I get for giving Dawn trash and recyclables?
You can unlock new features for Tsuki's house.
How to level up friendship?
The easiest way to gain friendship is by interacting with them frequently.